Friday, May 23, 2014

And the award for "Most Awkward New Blogger" goes to...

So, I decided it was time to make a blog.

I've thought about it for a while. I've come up with semi-clever blog names, written horrible first posts, been way too critical of myself, and deleted everything. Multiple times. But I feel like this is something I should be doing.


Because my life is pretty awesome right now. Up until last August, I'd lived my entire life in Florida. Don't get me wrong - Florida has its good points. The seafood is fresh, the beaches are warm, and almost all of my closest friends and family members still call it home. However, staying in the same place for twenty three years can get old, and I'd decided it was time to go.

I ended up in Colorado - a state that I knew virtually nothing about, and a place where I knew nobody at all. Well, nobody except my boyfriend, who moved out here with me! At first, it was exciting, but still a little scary. Aside from people at work, I didn't really know anyone, and I didn't have any friends. I didn't know any "cool" places to check out. I had no idea what happened on weekends so I just sat around my apartment.

Then, something clicked. I decided that wasn't working for me, so I got out, did some real exploring, and met some awesome people. I'm at a new and exciting stage of my life. I feel like there's so much to do - so many places to see, people to meet, opportunities to seize - that I'd be silly to not document it all.

So that's why this blog came around. I've got a lot of ideas for this baby, and I hope I don't bore anyone to death with them. I'll write about the places I visit, the people I meet, the recipes I try and the stuff that I can't live without - among other things, of course. But more on those later!

For now, I'll leave you with my Summer Survival Guide. At least, this is what I think my summer survival guide should consist of. I've never spent a full summer in Colorado, but I tend to spend this one like I've spent all the others in my life - drinking on patios, soaking up the sunshine, and avoiding pants at all costs.

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